Smartphones are fantastic, aren’t they? Well, they can be a good or bad thing to have around, and they can seem to take on a life of their own at times, but most of the time, smart phones can make our lives more efficient and help us stay in touch with family and friends.

Who knew a smart phone could become such an integral and essential component of an overall plan when it comes to our health? We can incorporate the positive aspects of our mobile BFFs into a long-term plan for health and wellness. Isn’t that cool?

Mighty Health is an excellent example of a healthy lifestyle app for women and men over the age of 50 that can provide an ongoing, complete, and comprehensive plan, complete with a virtual coach, right at your fingertips!

For the past month or so, I’ve had the pleasure of making my days Mighty Health days, and I’d love to share my experience with you.

This Mighty Health review is my own and is based on my personal experience with the Mighty Health app and free membership, which I received in collaboration with co-founder James Li.

What is Mighty Health?

Mighty Health is an online healthy lifestyle app and program that provides you with a virtual personal trainer and nutrition coach 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It was created with top doctors and professional fitness trainers in mind for women and men over the age of 50.

Co-Founder and CEO James Li founded Mighty Health after his father underwent emergency heart surgery and struggled to regain his health. He noticed that many healthy lifestyle apps and programs were aimed at people under the age of 50, and he decided to do something about it. That is how Mighty Health came to be.

Who is Mighty Health Designed For?

As women in our 50s and beyond, we understand that our bodies have changed, that our health needs are unique to our life stage, and that our daily lives are different than they were in our 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Mighty Health’s creators recognize this distinction and have created a healthy lifestyle program, including coaching and nutrition, that speaks to men and women in their 50s and beyond.

“The program is not only geared toward people in their forties, but it is also more than just an eating plan, an exercise guide, or a self-improvement resource. Mighty Health is all-inclusive and addresses each of these areas to assist members in achieving their fitness and health goals as well as creating a healthy lifestyle that they can carry with them over time.”

How Can You Benefit from Mighty Health?

Let’s look at the goals of Mighty Health as shown on their website and see how improving these areas of your life would be beneficial:

  • Reduce risk of heart disease
  • Become stronger
  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Lose weight 
  • Reduce joint pain

Each of the components of the program focuses on one or more of these goals for you as a member.

Can you relate to one, two, or more of these? I do, and I’m guessing that you can, too!

How Does the App Work?

At first glance, it appears to be fairly simple, and to be honest, I was surprised by how much information was packed into this app.

Two events occurred that helped me realize how life-changing this program can be:

At first glance, it appears to be fairly simple, and to be honest, I was surprised by how much information was packed into this app.

Two events occurred that helped me realize how life-changing this program can be:

1.My coach included some educational and nutritional learning in my daily plan, so that I would see my Mighty Health to-do list every morning. The educational material on nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise is presented in a straightforward manner that is not difficult to comprehend.

2.As a Mighty Health member, I needed to explore the app, see what was available for exercise and education, and join the tracks (series) that piqued my interest.

3.It was important to me to schedule the tracks around my schedule. I had the option of scheduling a specific type of workout on any day of the week (including Saturday and Sunday).

Friend, it’s a two-way street.

JOIN MIGHTY HEALTH (try it for free)

What Are Mighty Health’s Primary Goals?

To achieve the program’s goals, there are four core areas of focus that work in tandem, including learning tracks that are integrated into a member’s daily schedule.

For example, if you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, you can join the track on that topic and receive helpful information and advice every day until you complete it.

If you feel the need to revisit a particular track, simply log in to your member’s area and re-join.

  • Health – menopause, holidays, medications
  • Lifestyle – building good habits, sex, support network, exercising, sleep
  • Mental health – loneliness, anxiety, holidays, crises, sleep, stress
  • Nutrition – understanding the color coding eating plan, weight loss


When I wake up and begin my day, I make it a habit to check my Your Mighty Day ‘to do’ list. Food tracking (as determined by your coach), education, exercise, and nutrition are all part of the program.

I can see what exercise tracks are planned for me today based on my interests and what I’ve joined, my food log (which is there every day for me to log what I eat and drink), and the educational tracks that I’ve joined or that my coach has placed me in based on my Mighty Health progress.

Mighty Health’s approach to nutrition and healthy eating as part of an ongoing healthy lifestyle is one of their simple yet highly effective areas. Their color-coded system for determining which foods to eat frequently, occasionally, and rarely (green/yellow/red) is simple to grasp.

How Does Exercise Work with Mighty Health?

There are numerous workouts available directly through the app and can be cast from your phone to your TV. The casting part was definitely a learning curve for me, but I was able to complete it using an app on my phone recommended by a member of the private Facebook group.

I did the workouts on my phone as well, and it was doable, but casting my phone screen onto the TV made it so much easier to see everything the instructor was doing.

The workouts are all labeled as beginner, intermediate, or advanced, so you know what you’re getting into. However, if you’re interested in giving it a shot, I wouldn’t rule out an advanced workout track. The trainer will usually tell you how to make the move easier or simpler if necessary, especially if you have joint or muscle problems.

These workouts are led by certified trainers, and a track typically includes five to twelve sessions. Here’s a list of what’s currently available, along with my thoughts on the workouts I’ve tried.

  • Low impact – this was a great workout and I would recommend it for anyone who is just getting into regular exercise.
  • HIIT
  • Cardio blast – this is a wonderful series for anyone who is just getting into the habit of regular cardio exercise.
  • Indoor cardio at home – this will get your heart pumping, with some of the exercises being quite challenging. I made accommodation when needed
  • Stretches and strengthening for shoulders, back, joints
  • Belly blaster – if you’re serious about the belly fat this will give it a workout!
  • Upper body and core
  • Full body breakthrough – a full body workout with the mature adult in mind. The instructor is very helpful with instruction and the exercises can be modified if needed
  • Total body chair – yes, you do this workout sitting in a chair. And yes, you really do get in a workout!
  • Lower body core
  • Weight training – this is an advanced track, and I have to admit that I can’t do it all, but it’s a great workout and using lighter weights is a key element
  • Yoga for strength – if you’re familiar with yoga, these intermediate tracks might be a great choice

A Multi-Tiered Support System
Thanks for carol motsinger

Making healthy lifestyle changes can be difficult, especially if you’ve become accustomed to some unhealthy habits over time. Support systems provide many people with both encouragement and accountability.

I was especially impressed with the various levels of support available in this program and wanted to make sure they were mentioned in this Mighty Health review.

As a member, you have access to three types of ongoing support to help you make these positive lifestyle changes a natural part of your day-to-day life:

  1. Your personal coach
  2. A support group of members that is accessed directly through the app so it is private. There is a moderator assigned to the group also.
  3. A private Facebook group for members.

Encouragement is a common thread that runs through all three areas of assistance. Accountability? Without a doubt. But there was also a lot of encouragement and support from members to members.

It is especially helpful to have these options when it is not possible to go to a facility and meet with other members.

Mighty Health and Accountability

It’s more than just paying the monthly fee and checking in on a regular basis with some reading and a workout here and there to be a Mighty Health member.

Yes, you have the ability to choose what you will and will not do, and yes, you are an adult with some useful knowledge about how to live a healthy lifestyle.

So, why don’t we eat a nutritious diet on a regular basis? Why do we begin and discontinue exercise programs? Why do we set goals and then fail to meet them, leaving us disappointed and discouraged?

Some attribute it to a lack of accountability and support. That is exactly what Mighty Health will do for you. Yes, it is your responsibility to open the app every day, read the material, perform the exercises, track your food intake, and communicate with your coach, members, and Facebook support.

It is up to you to take the feedback and apply it to yourself, knowing that changing habits that have been a part of your life for years is difficult. Some days will be more difficult than others.

But guess what? If you commit to it for a month or two, go through the material and exercises every day, and make time for yourself, it will become part of your daily routine.

And you will almost certainly see results. It’s nearly impossible not to if you consistently do what’s on your daily agenda. Personally, I noticed an improvement in my flexibility and strength. And, with a small weight loss goal in mind, I made progress toward it each week. I’m not going to complain about it!

So, if you’ve been looking for a healthy lifestyle app for over 50 women (and men), Mighty Health could be the answer to your prayers. Yes, there is a monthly fee, which is to be expected for a healthy lifestyle app and program that offers this much information, education, and support.

There is no long-term commitment, so you can join for free and see what it’s all about:

I hope you found this Mighty Health review informative and helpful as you consider how to incorporate these healthy living essentials into your daily life. We may be getting older, but we can still maintain our fitness, strength, and health!