Usually, when a person decides to get tested for Covid, they have a pretty good reason. Most people that go and get tested have flu like symptoms, or they found out that they have recently been around another individual that had Covid. Neither of these were the case for me.

If my wife had never got tested, I would have never known to this day that I was infected. There was no reasonable reason for me to go out and get tested. To this day, I have never felt ill from the Corona Virus, and I don’t ever expect to. My wife had a slight headache in the middle of December of 2020 and thought no big deal of it. It was just like any other headache that she had experienced before. While out one day, she thought why not get a Corona Virus test. She did, and a few days later received an email showing her positive status.

Immediately I had everybody in my house isolate. Yep, it was time to do all that quarantining that we have heard about on television almost every single day since all this crap started. My wife quarantined in one room, the kids in their rooms and the older folks in their rooms. I was the lone wolf that camped out in the living room and nobody ever came out of their rooms. As far as eating was concerned, I would buy food for everybody from a restaurant and leave their food at their door and knock so that they knew I had something for them. I also bought everybody lots of water to store in their rooms and a lot of snacks too.

Wacko USA light up toys

Maybe the Covid 19 test gave a false positive result

While in isolation, I did as much research as I could about Covid 19. I knew the basics that we all read about or heard on television, but when your spouse gets it you want to learn as much as you can about it. Every day I would thank God when she was in a good mood and feeling well. Every day I would ask her how she felt and she would say she felt as normal as ever, and that was a terrific sign.

I did a lot of online reading, and I learned that there were a lot of false positive test results when people take the PCR test. This is the test where you put a swab up your nose and what is considered the gold standard test. The lab then receives your swab and checks to see if any viral genetic material is present. The whole testing process is kind of questionable, but it is what it is. If you research it enough you will find out that if they run enough cycles on a person that eventually they will come out with a positive test on anybody. I’m not going to get into that here, but you certainly do learn a lot when you spend time researching all of this.

With all of that said, it was all hopeful thinking. I am no scientist and certainly am no expert on how the Covid 19 tests work. All I had to go on was what I had been studying for a little more than a week. Again though, I was in high hopes that it was nothing but a false positive result.

Another bothersome issue that was running through my mind was that I probably had the Corona Virus too. If my wife had it, wouldn’t it be almost definite that I also had it? I felt fine and have never really been sick for about three years. If I had Covid wouldn’t I at least feel a little something? 

It was time for me to get tested, and for my wife to get re-tested. After about day 10 of isolation me and my wife decided to go get tested together. Of course we would not ride in the same car together just in case I didn’t have it. We didn’t even walk out the house together and were still keeping our distance from one another. We decided to go to a different location this time from where she initially got tested. This time we were going too the Walgreens drive thru testing. The hope here was that she would come out negative which would kind of prove that the first test was a false positive. Of course we were also hoping I was negative.

The results from this test took about a week to come back from Walgreens. On December 30, 2020, I had a disturbing email come in telling me that I tested positive for Covid 19. I had to open up and stare at the email more than a few times thinking that I was hallucinating and would see a negative result the next time I opened up the email. Was this some kind of joke? How in the hell could I test positive for Corona Virus? How in the hell did my wife test positive for Corona Virus?

Yes, this email freaked me out. We’d taken all of the precautions that we were supposed to take. We wore our masks all the time and kept away from people. Yet, there I was reading an email telling me that I tested positive for Covid 19. I actually had to calm myself down for a moment as I was having a small panic attack.

What’s kind of funny though is that before taking the test, deep in my mind I knew that I had it. If my wife had it, I just knew I would test positive. Even with all of this though, seeing the result live with my own eyes freaked me out. So there I was thinking that I may get sick. A good sign here though was that since I got tested it had been seven days, and I had not felt sick at all. Who knows when the initial infection happened. Everyday I would wake up thinking “Okay, do I feel sick now?” Fortunately, I’ve never felt sick from the Corona Virus and nobody in my house has either. Not the kids, the older folk in the house nor us. All I could do was thank God for putting his armor of protection over my family.

Is the Corona Virus a big scare tactic?

Maybe. Who knows. I am not a big conspiracy person, but I am also not surprised by anything. I definitely believe that this whole Corona Virus thing is very over exaggerated, and a lot of that blame goes to the media. The way the media has made Covid sound has always been terrifying. It made you think that if you were infected with Corona Virus that you were just going to get sick and die. That is simply not the case and at least 99 percent of people infected with Corona Virus will be just fine.

Some people will get flu like symptoms, but a large percentage of those that get infected with the virus will be asymptomatic. Yes, many people will not feel al thing. They will not get a fever. They wont lose their taste or smell. They wont feel anything abnormal. They will feel as normal as they always have.